There is no question that the ongoing global health crisis is challenging our lives in ways we never could have predicted. Everything from work to family to time just for you has been disrupted in ways that can feel especially overwhelming. To say it’s been a hard year to stay positive is putting it mildly with so many challenges coming from different directions, but it’s not impossible to find a positive mindset. Learn how you can stay positive during the pandemic.
Limit Your News Watching

Stop watching 24-hour news channels right away. The last thing you need if you’re trying to stay positive is to keep a constant eye on the news and continuously be reminded about the angst the pandemic brings. The constant stream of news, especially as it recycles throughout the day, will not help. Instead, it’s more likely to remind you of how serious the COVID-19 virus is and cause you to worry more than you already are. To stay connected to current events, find a single news source where you can do that, such as local news or a website that covers a broad range of topics. Reducing your intake of 24-hour news cycles will do wonders for staying positive.
Get Physical

One of the best things you can do right now, especially while you are limited in going anywhere, is to get moving with exercise. Go for a walk, run, bike or use any exercise equipment you have at home. Allowing your body to release endorphins will quickly boost your mood and help that positive feeling last for the better part of a day. If you can, exercise outside, under the sun, as it will uplift your spirits and help bring you to a positive place. Are you trying to entertain younger children throughout the day? Start a dance party and not only allow yourself to move but help the younger ones as well. Anything you can do to get physical will have a huge impact on your mood and help you stay positive.
Stay Connected
Being physically distant from friends and family does not mean you need to be emotionally distant. Thanks to tools or services like FaceTime, Zoom, Google Meet, Skype and more, staying in touch has never been easier. It’s important to keep your connections to friends and family strong so you don’t feel alone. Plan daily, weekly or monthly check-ins with anyone who is important in your life will allow you and them to know everyone is doing well. Video check-ins may not be the same as being there in person, but it’s the next best thing.
Eat Healthy

The moment negativity sets in, you may find yourself seeking comfort foods, and that can be unhealthy for you and anyone who lives with you. Try and trade in some of the sweets for healthier foods like fruits and vegetables, all of which can lead to better overall health for your body. Not only will you feel good mentally by eating healthier, but physically you will have more energy to keep you active, occupied, and positive.
Random Acts of Kindness
Another strong method for staying positive during the pandemic is to practice little random acts of kindness. Do you have a doorman? Deliver coffee to them. Do you have someone who is grocery shopping for you? Add an extra tip. None of these random acts of kindness have to require a large monetary outlay. In fact, you can likely accomplish most of these by spending no money at all.

Do you have a friend who is struggling to stay positive? Plan a video call with them that includes an activity you can both do, like watching a movie at the same time. Do you have any old clothes piling up in your closet? Donate them to a local shelter. There are so many different ways you can practice a random act of kindness, and with each one, you’ll feel good about your actions, which will help you stay positive. It’s a win-win for everyone involved.
Learn a New Skill

Even in the doom and gloom of the pandemic, there has been a huge opportunity for people to learn and practice a new skill. Have you ever wanted to learn to draw, sew, or speak another language? This is a great chance to do so, especially while many indoor activities are closed. Perhaps you have always wanted to take up gardening but never found the time to get outside and organize your yard. No matter the skill, taking the time to learn and master it will ensure that your mind is occupied and excited about new opportunities. This will inevitably lead to a positive outlook with a huge sense of accomplishment.
Write Down Your Thoughts

It’s all too easy to keep your thoughts, both positive and negative, bottled up inside of you. Start each day by writing down three things you are thankful for each morning. Finding a new and cathartic outlook can quickly change your view of the pandemic to a positive one as your feelings begin to express themselves in new ways. Alternatively, spend a few minutes writing down something that you accomplished or learned that day. This will easily help remove any of the negativity to help you stay positive.
There is no question it’s easy to quickly allow yourself to focus on all of the negatives in the world right now. That’s especially true if you watch the news right now and see increasing reports of the virus, travel bans, restaurants closing, etc. Utilizing some of the above tactics will help you tune out the negativity and instead allow you to focus on you. From calling friends to picking up a new skill, it’s easy to figure out how you can stay positive during the pandemic.