From the moment you wake up to when your head hits the pillow at night, you should feel inspired and motivated to succeed. While a desktop wallpaper won’t help you find success on its own, seeing a message each day can help you remember what you are working toward. With the motivational and inspirational wallpapers below, you just may find that it helps you get in the right mindset every morning.
Design Your Life
Let this wallpaper serve as an inspiration that life can be creative and as colorful as you want. There is no reason to allow things to become black and white. Get out there and write your own story and do it in living color.

Don’t Give Up
Do not give up is a message that should go without saying. Use this wallpaper and read this message to yourself every day. Do it especially on the days when things look particularly bleak or you feel defeated. It’s a strong reminder that better days are coming.

Make this Day Great
Another message that should go without saying. Every day is an opportunity to be great, to do great things and feel good about yourself. Make this day great, no matter what day of the week it is.

Try Every Day
This is a good reminder that whenever you want to accomplish something, you have to start somewhere. In the case of this wallpaper, trying is the missing link. If you never try, you will never succeed.

Do Something Great
Wake up tomorrow and do something great. It may be something big or may be something small, but do something great. If you want to feel truly inspired, do something great every day.

Your Future
When Doc Brown said “Your future is what you make of it … ” in the 1989 movie “Back to the Future,” it rang true then and still does today. Your future is absolutely created by the actions you take today, and you should never, ever wait until tomorrow.

Ideas to Reality
The message with this wallpaper is clear. Get motivated and stop limiting yourself to just having ideas in your head. Turn them into a reality – and the sky’s the limit. You never know what is going to happen with any of your ideas until you try. Most may fail, but you only need one to succeed.

Need Coffee
This is a reminder that you do not always need an inspirational wallpaper. Sometimes, all you need is coffee. In reality, you probably need both, and this wallpaper hits the proverbial nail on the head.

Why You Started
Don’t let the cartoony nature of this wallpaper fool you. The motivational message is sound. The next time things get tough and you want to give up, remember why you started an idea, a project or a goal in the first place. Let those memories drive you forward and keep moving in the right direction.

What You Love
It’s all too easy to find yourself trapped in a position, job or career you do not love. You may do it for the salary, the benefits or overall security, but you probably do not love it. Let this wallpaper be a reminder that you should never just play it safe. Find what you love and then do it. Maybe it isn’t a job at all. It could be a hobby. Whatever you love, find it and then do it.

There are thousands and thousands of motivational and inspirational wallpapers. Wallpaper sites across the Web have pages and pages of results. With a selection that large, there is bound to be a message that resonates with you directly. Find that wallpaper, whether it’s one of the ones listed here or another one entirely. Make it the wallpaper on your computer and get inspired every day.